Intro to Adobe Flash Builder HD

4.1 ( 3921 ratings )
Naslagwerken Onderwijs
Developer: Train Simple
14.99 USD

Adobe Flash Builder 4 Introduction HD provides experienced application developers with hands-on, practical experience using Flex. This training app introduces developers to all the primary features of Flex theyll need to know in order to build a fully functional, well architected front end for a Rich Internet Applications.

Includes over 7 hours of training videos.

Course Outline:

Chapter 1 - Flex Crash Course

History of Flex
Import a Flex Project
Flash Builder 4 Interface
Hello World Application
Create a Release Build
Flash Builder Preferences
Understanding Namespaces
Building a New MXML Application
Creating MXML Components
Skinning Components
Accessing Structured Data
Updating Visual Controls
Registering Listeners

Chapter 2 - OOP and Event Handling

OPP Terminology
Class Properties
Create a Class
Instantiate Class
Class Methods
Understanding Events
Inline ActionScript
Using a Function for a Handler
Event Object Explained
Event Object Properties

Chapter 3 - Layout and Navigation

Layout Classes
Custom Layouts
Layout Containers
Group Containers
Border Container
Constraint-based Layouts
Scroller Class
Navigators Explained
ViewStack Container
Navigating a ViewStack
TabNavigator and Accordion

Chapter 4 - View States

ViewStates Overview
Creating the States
Controlling View States
Intro to Effects
Applying Effects
Composite Effects
Animating Between States
Additional Transitions

Chapter 5 - CSS Styling and Skinning

Global Selector
Selector Styles Overview
Component Selectors
Advanced Selector Overview
Applying Advanced Selectors
Understanding Skinning
Creating a Skin Class
Working with FXG Files

Chapter 6 - Remote Data & Typed Data Models

Access Remote Data
Creating a Result Handler
What is a ValueObject?
Create a ValueObject Class
ArrayCollection of ValueObjects
Data Bindings
Two-way Binding
Re-factor Class Code

Chapter 7 - Custom Events

Custom Events Intro
Application Demo
Overview of Creating an Event
Create and Dispatch an Event
Extending Events Overview
Extending the Events Class

Chapter 8 - DataGroup & Data Grid

DataGroup Container
Complex Item Renderer
Custom Item Renderer
Item Renderer Component
Skinnable Data Container
Specify Columns for DataGrid
Label Function
Drop-in Item Renderer
Inline Item Editor
Wrap Up

Train Simple is an Adobe Authorized Training Provider